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皇家公开赛系列 UICC RO UICC

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Following the success of the 2015 Lady Queen of Golf for UICC, Jaermann & Stübi launched a brand new timepiece for gents - the Royal Open UICC during 2016 World Cancer Congress last November. A limited number of 99 watches from this collection is now available for sale worldwide.

The Swiss timepiece makers have been the exclusive watch partner of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) since 2015. On their 10th anniversary, Jaermann & Stübi wanted to choose a partnership particularly close to their heart and began working with UICC. To demonstrate their commitment to this initiative, Jaermann & Stübi developed an exclusive model – the 2015 Lady Queen of Golf for UICC. For each sale, a portion of the amount has been donated to the organisation.
型: 皇家公开赛系列 UICC
参考号: RO UICC
表殼: 精致精钢表壳
錶帶: 橡胶或皮革表带,镶色线缝,内衬吸汗皮革。
尺寸: 44 毫米
機芯: 自动机械式机芯,口径A10-2,25颗红宝石,因家百录防震,赫兹或摆频每小时28800次,42小时能量储备。蓝色螺栓,铭刻有叶曼时度时计狮鹫标志。
周折: -
功能: 报时,报分,长针报秒, 在2时整用旋入式表冠可调
防水性能: 100米